It is time for those dreaded New Year's resolutions. This batch is aimed at improving the health of our public square and improving our interactions with one another. Let us resolve to recognize when those seeking political advancement and power are trying to divide rather than unite us, and refuse to reward it with our votes or support.
Some Republican's claim that Democrats are a danger to our nation and enemies within. Some Democrats assert the same about Republicans. But we citizens are not required to pick between those equally dishonest claims.
We need not participate in such absurd taking up of sides. Rather than debating issues on their merits, too many political partisans urge that whatever the other party seeks is bad and to be rejected — and that whatever their party advocates is good and to be implemented. The truth is that people from across the political-ideology spectrum have some good and some bad ideas, that no political party has a monopoly on solid public policy.
So why do we allow ourselves to become participants in disingenuous partisanship that serves only the aspirations of insincere politicians and does nothing to solve societal problems? When someone seeks elected office or support based on her political affiliation rather than the quality of her ideas, character, and background, just say "no thanks." When a candidate insists that his opponent wants to destroy our nation, look for another option. As long as we elect candidates based on their politic.