WINDHAM — The state's plans for Hamilton Falls were soundly panned Thursday evening by residents who said the plans could ultimately degrade the area's natural and special beauty. It was standing room only at the Windham Meeting House Thursday evening, but most of the people left after they learned the state's process would be an "open house" rather than a public meeting on the three-tiered master plan for the remote 125-foot cascading waterfall on Cobb Brook, which is located in Jamaica but close to the Windham town line. People said they wanted to ask questions, and hear what their neighbors had to say.

Jeff Dube, a landscape architect with the state's consulting firm VhB of Burlington relented and let some resident speak for about 15 minutes, but he said he wanted residents to put their concerns in writing on poster boards in four different locations in the room. But many left once they learned there wasn't going to be an open discussion of the various scenarios, which could include building new trails, viewing platforms and more parking. Few people left comments on Dube's poster boards, and those that were, were largely critical of the plan.

Hamilton Falls is a state "natural area," and thus has special wilderness protections. In addition, Cobb Brook is a Class A watershed, which includes more protections. The master plan outlines three scenarios: high use, moderate use and low use, with low use appearing to be the most popular, with residents voicing concern that if th.