What do you do if you’re a Republican who’s spent their entire public life demonizing reproductive choice, bragging on your website how “pro-life” you are and swearing again and again how you’ll ban all abortions by imposing, quite literally the most extreme and punitive restrictions imaginable? And then, suddenly finding out that those positions can torpedo your chances of re-election, thanks to Donald Trump’s merry band of misogynists on the Supreme Court? You do what Republicans do best. You lie. You re-cast yourself as some type of “moderate,” hoping against hope that no one will notice your lies and call you out.

As reported by the New York Times’ Annie Karnie and Robert Jimison, that’s what Republicans are doing all across the nation right now. With just nine weeks to go until the election, many appear to have settled on a strategy: airbrushing or at times flatly misrepresenting their records in gauzy, family-focused television ads apparently aimed at those voters. Some Republicans are claiming that they support protections for in vitro fertilization that they voted against, or that are at odds with legislation they have backed in the past.

Others are vowing they would never ban abortion, though they previously said they would support doing so. One states that he cosponsored pro-woman legislation that he actually opposed. What the advertisements have in common is that they mislead voters about the positions Republicans have taken on reproductive righ.