Minnesota Republican candidate for U.S. Senate Royce White surprised many when he won his party’s endorsement at the May convention .

Now that he’s the official GOP nominee after winning this month’s primary, he’s got a steep climb ahead. The 2024 U.S.

Senate race in Minnesota pits three-term Democratic U.S. Sen.

Amy Klobuchar against White, a basketball player turned right-wing online media personality who has described himself as a “MAGA extremist” and is an associate of former President Donald Trump advisor Steve Bannon. Despite his combative online style, controversial statements and unconventional background, Minnesota’s Republican Party has stood by White. Though leadership described him as an “unusual candidate.

” Nevertheless, some political observers and moderate Republicans wonder whether he’ll be able to unify the party. White faces a long-time senator with wide recognition who has handily defeated all of her Republican challengers over the years. And no GOP candidate has won statewide office in Minnesota since 2006.

Dan Hofrenning, professor of political science at St. Olaf College, called prospects for a Republican defeating Klobuchar “bleak.” “Probably the single most, or the single clearest indicator that she has a safe seat is that she didn’t attract a range of what we might call ‘quality candidates,’ ” he said.

“If she were more vulnerable, there’d be a lot of people stepping up, like state legislators ...

or other bigger .