Traders operating at Pudu Wai Sek Kai (Glutton Street) along Jalan Sayur, Kuala Lumpur, are pleased with the recent facelift. The decades-old food spot has undergone street resurfacing using interlocking blocks. Snack seller Low Bee Yong said visitors had praised the upgrade.

“Previously, it was a tarred road that was uneven. Now, it is cleaner and neater. “Tourists from China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong take photos after or while enjoying the food,” she said.

Dessert seller Leow Sek Moi, said the facelift had attracted more visitors. “The street has become very beautiful and business has improved. “However, the stalls still experience flash floods whenever there is a downpour,” she said in urging Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) to do something about the problem.

The 100m resurfacing project, costing RM50,000 from Bukit Bintang MP Fong Kui Lun’s allocation, covers half of Glutton Street. Low says business has improved since the resurfacing work. Work started in the middle of last month and was completed by the end of the month.

It consists of interlocking hexagonal blocks that can be removed for underground utility repairs. In the middle, different coloured blocks also spell out the street’s name, Jalan Sayur. Kui Lun said the first morning market in Pudu was located along Jalan Sayur before traders moved to the current Pudu morning market.

“The street was a popular hangout for locals at night after watching movies at Starlight and Majestic Theatres, which were a s.