: To many Americans, our democracy is a given; yet, for African Americans, it is . This gift promises not only prosperity but shields us with the strength of pluralism. In the crucible of the past three years, the visionary leadership of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris has steered us through the darkest days of .

Their administration unveiled a monumental infrastructure bill that has not only rebuilt our roads and bridges but also our communities. The administration's persistent for all Americans has , unlocked historic educational opportunities through , , and broadened health care for Black communities by These are not just policy achievements; they are critical lifelines, and now we fear that we may lose the immense progress we have made. It would be a death blow.

At the Essence Festival of Culture this month, even the sweltering heat and humidity of New Orleans paled in comparison to the deep anxiety brewing over the future of our nation’s democracy. We have watched the erosion of the sacred right to vote, , and now witness our political systems — created to protect us — seemingly turn against us. This betrayal menaces our dreams of security, equality and prosperity.

With , our hearts sink. We fear our democracy is dangerously close to collapsing under the weight of countless challenges to its institutions and norms. Should our democracy falter, Black Americans know that we would be the first to suffer the impact.

That’s why my Democratic coll.