This is not the article to read if you want to know how to get back together with your ex. (Cue the Ben Affleck smoking meme.) At most, this article will save you from having below average breakup sex .

At least, it will be the reason you're able to pry your hands away from your phone the next time you want to drunk text them . But most importantly, this article will explain why your ex should stay exactly that: your ex. Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez are the most recent example in how even high-profile celebrities who have everything going for them can't make it work with an ex.

Despite the excitement and media frenzy that surrounded Bennifer when they got back together in 2021, Lopez officially filed for divorce from Affleck on Aug. 20. Though it's not clear yet why the star filed for divorce, we can only assume that it may have something to do with why they broke up the first time nearly 20 years ago.

But even if old issues resurfacing wasn't the problem, past relationships are hard to rekindle. Sure, there may be love there, but the underlying issues that led to the breakup in the first place don't just magically disappear. With the help of relationship expert Nicole Moore, here's your answer to whether it's ever the move to get back with your ex.

Nicole Moore is a relationship therapist and founder of the Love Works Method, a program that has helped people find lasting love fast. Should I Get Back With My Ex? The answer is always no unless "you are both certain that the .