Proposals for a 10-bed house in multiple occupation (HMO) at a property on Grosvenor Street in Prestwich, known locally as Ivy Bank House, were put forward in May. The four-bedroom house is a detached Edwardian family home with an outbuilding that used to house a small "learner pool" known as Ivy Bank Swim School. The applicant, GMPE Property Ltd, said it anticipated prospective residents could be students, as well as young professionals, overseas workers, low-skilled workers, benefit recipients or divorcees.

But after the plans were published, residents voiced concerns, questioning the suitability of the development in the middle of a quiet neighbourhood. Other key objections included the impact of parking pressures, access to the Grosvenor Street location and plans regarding refuse facilities, which were deemed insufficient. More than 60 written objections were submitted to the council’s planning portal, including one from the Prestwich Village Neighbourhood Forum (PVNF) which firmly opposed the plan.

Residents formed the “No to the Ivy Bank HMO” action group to fight the plans, with Sedgely councillors Alan Quinn and Richard Gold giving their backing to the group. Both said they thought the plans were deeply flawed and damaging to the street. Bury South MP Christian Wakeford also submitted a number of official objections, adding: “The proposal is the wrong type of development in the wrong area.

” After weighing up the application, planning officers have turned dow.