Get Back on Track with Expert Advice and Invaluable Support HENDERSON, Nev. , July 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- It's mid-year already. How are those fitness goals coming along? Did you give up or get off track? Don't worry.

You're not alone. Studies show most people don't stick to their New Year's resolutions, with some quitting as early as February. Thankfully, NUTRISHOP ®, a national nutritional supplement and wellness franchise, is here to help you reignite your goals and finish the year strong.

Here are five effective strategies to help you get back on track: 1. Reflect on Your Progress Mid-year is the perfect time to take a step back and reflect on your fitness journey. Make a list of what you've achieved so far and identify areas where you can improve.

Remember, progress is progress, no matter how small. If you've fallen off from your goals altogether, don't beat yourself up. Instead, recall the "why" behind your goals, advises certified personal trainer Chanel Schweer , CPT, CSCS.

"Have your circumstances changed? Are you further from your goal now than you were at the beginning of the year?" she asks. "Give yourself a little reality check and remember you CAN do this!" 2. Set Realistic Goals Many people fail because their goals are too vague or too ambitious.

Set realistic and achievable goals by breaking down larger objectives into manageable daily tasks and celebrating your victories along the way. For example, how's your daily water intake? Are you meeting your protei.