In 2008, Regional West leadership introduced a new concept in the delivery of health care called Physician Hospital Integration. The organization of a multispecialty medical and surgical group — Regional West Physicians Clinic – allowed participating physicians to be actively involved with hospital management in decision-making related to quality, safety and patient care. Flash forward to early this year when Regional West Physicians Clinic instituted a Network Operating Council (NOC) as part of a physician, provider and patient satisfier initiative.

The NOC was created to expand physician representation to the Physicians Clinic governing board, with each provider bringing a different background, perspective and skillset to the council. The council is comprised of eight physicians, two advanced practice clinicians and three administrative voting members. Craig Krentz, Regional West chief network executive, said the new council is continuing Regional West’s positive momentum to improve care and service at the Physicians Clinic.

Craig Krentz “We are changing the way we do things at Regional West, and it’s important that physicians and providers have more of a say in how the Physicians Clinic is run,” he said. “The Network Operating Council members are advocates for our patients, and this makes it easier for us to hear their needs and concerns. Our physicians are the pipeline between Regional West and our patients.

” Dr. Mark Hartman, a radiation oncologist with R.