A makeup artist, born in regional NSW, special effects make-up has won an Emmy Award for her impressive work on the cast of sci-fi television series Shogun . Login or signup to continue reading Emily Walsh, formally of Cootamundra, NSW, was awarded the Emmy for Outstanding Period or Fantasy/Sci-Fi Makeup (Non-Prosthetic), specifically for her work on the eighth episode, " The Abyss of Life ". First an aspiring actress, the 34-year-old said her success hasn't come easy, but after a lot of hard work.

"I've been working as a makeup artist since I was 19," she said. "I was originally interested in acting and wanted to pursue that. "I would help with makeup applications for stage shows when I was involved with CADAS kids in Cootamundra, NSW.

" A movie fanatic, it was a world Miss Walsh had known from a child she wanted to be a part of. "I was always a movie fan and once I realised you could actually do that as a job, I just started to fall into it," she said. Miss Walsh worked on the cast during filming of Shogun in 2021 during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Being on set is always so much fun," she said. "It really is like a family, especially when most crew don't get enough time in the day to see their family. "Everyone works incredibly hard, long hours, rough locations and weather but it's also rewarding when you see it all come together.

" Winning an Emmy simply reiterates how determination and talent can go a long way. "This award is incredibly special, and I feel so honoured to have r.