The findings of the randomized crossover clinical trial, available online now and slated to appear in an upcoming issue of the Journal of Nutrition , reveal simply swapping in foods made from refined corn flour + corn bran can lower LDL cholesterol concentrations by anywhere from 5% - 13.3% in just four weeks. The trial compared the impact of whole-grain corn meal, refined corn meal, and a blend (refined corn meal plus corn bran) and found that 70% of the participants saw significant reductions in LDL cholesterol concentrations when consuming the blend.

For the other corn flours, participants did not see a decrease in their LDL or total cholesterol levels, nor did they see an increase. People often think that dietary changes must be robust and significant to have a real impact on cardiovascular health and metabolic regulation. The bottom-line is this: corn is unique and underappreciated.

The art and science of refining grains and making full use of corn bran can result in delicious foods that, in this case, also happen to produce real results for heart health." Corrie Whisner, PhD, Lead Researcher and Associate Professor, College of Health Solutions, Arizona State University Dr. Whisner noted that the team intentionally centered the study around avoiding dramatic dietary changes to create a realistic intervention that could be easily folded into a regular diet.

Researchers provided study participants with baked goods in order to control type and quantity of corn flour, and st.