How and why did you start in business? For twenty years I had been working in the industry. I was made redundant in 2021 and decided, at the age of 45, that I was going back to university. This was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

My purpose was to increase my skills and understanding, with the intent of starting my own consultancy company. How did you get to where you are today? Looking back, my first business experience was when I was very young and helping out on my parents’ farm. There was a lot of manual work, but it was all good foundational stuff for becoming a business consultant in the future.

Even from those early days, I understood that in order to get anything done it can take a lot of support, encouragement and patience from others. I’ve also put the hours in. My business is only 11 months old, and one of the hardest things has been “getting out there” and getting known.

I joined the to take advantage of their free business networking events, and meeting and talking with other business owners continues to be very important. Who helped you? So, so many people have helped me along the way. Family, friends, and everyone I’ve met who are already involved in running their own businesses.

They’ve all given me advice, encouragement, and shared a few cautionary tales. It may take a village to raise a child, but it takes the world to show a person horizons. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever had? “A ship is safe in harbour, but that�.