If you’re looking for a quiet coastal retreat, far from the bustling tourist hubs of Goa, Betul is where the heart finds solace. Nestled in South Goa’s Salcete taluka, this small village offers a peaceful escape steeped in natural beauty and history. As you wander through Betul, the past and present appear to blend effortlessly, making it a perfect spot for those seeking tranquillity along with a touch of adventure.

Betul is just a short drive from Marago, approximately 19 kilometres, and here are some locations that you can visit in this scenic village. BETUL LIGHTHOUSE The Betul Lighthouse, an iconic landmark offering breath-taking views. Perched above the coastline, the lighthouse provides an unbeatable vista of the sprawling beaches and nearby villages.

If you're lucky enough to catch a sunset from this spot, the horizon seems to melt into the Arabian Sea, painting the sky with hues of pink and orange. For a small fee, visitors can even enter the lighthouse, although be sure to avoid Mondays when it’s closed. Plan ahead to ensure so that you don’t miss out on this mesmerising experience.

BETUL FORT A little away from the lighthouse you can visit the ruins of Betul Fort. Constructed in 1676 under the orders of Shivaji Maharaj, this historical site is a reminder of Goa's fascinating past. Though the fort has seen the wear of time, its cannons still rest proudly on the ramparts, whispering tales of a bygone era.

Standing here, you can almost feel the weight of histor.