Travel expert Bobby Laurie discusses top offers to look out for on 'Your World.' A mom writing on Reddit shared an unusual experience. She said her daughter was invited to join a friend on a family vacation to Costa Rica — but when her daughter returned, the mom was presented with a bill for the travel expenses from the other family.

The confused mother turned to social media to find out whether her shock over the situation was warranted. On the social media platform, the mother wrote, "OK, so my daughter (16) went to Costa Rica with a friend and her parents & grandparents. I assumed they would only charge us for her food and activities like ziplining.

Nope. They are asking for a portion of her accommodations and car rental as well." 'OPPOSITE OF A SEAT SQUATTER': FLIGHT PASSENGER SHARES UNEXPECTED ENCOUNTER WITH FELLOW TRAVELER Bewildered, the mother wondered on Reddit whether being invited meant that the basic costs of the trip were going to be covered by the parents of her friend .

The mom wrote, "Why on earth did I assume she was tagging along?" A mom on Reddit asked other social media users who should pay for a vacation if a teenager is invited by another family to travel with them. (iStock) She went on to share that she’s hosted other people’s children in a similar way — and thought that was the protocol. "That’s what we did for my other daughter’s friend two years ago," the mother continued.