If you've ever spilt a glass of red wine on the carpet or sofa, you'll know how much of a nightmare it can be to remove the stain - but it turns out there's one household product that can help Get the latest top news stories sent straight to your inbox with our daily newsletter We have more newsletters Get the latest top news stories sent straight to your inbox with our daily newsletter We have more newsletters Spilling a glass of red wine on cream carpets, rugs or sofas can indeed cause quite the frenzy. However, while it might seem sensible to immediately start scrubbing at the stain, wine connoisseurs from La Crema have advised against this, cautioning that it could make the stain permanent. The experts explain that red wine stains can be successfully removed "from anything" if you act swiftly and use the right technique.

The tannins in red wine, which are natural compounds found in grape skins, seeds, and stems, are what make the dark colour adhere to fabrics. It's the chromogens in red wine, also found in other staining liquids like coffee and tea, that give the wine its rich, deep red hue, making spills particularly noticeable, reports the Express . "Scrubbing will help pull some of the red wine out, but actually negatively impacts the stain as it causes it to spread outward even more.

And, if you're applying too much pressure, you're actually pushing more red wine down into the fabric. This is especially true if you're dealing with a red wine stain on the couch or on t.