More and more companies are turning to AI for their advertising campaigns. Activists say they are exacerbating harmful beauty ideals, putting particularly young women under pressure. 2024 is already a historic year.

For the first time in the history of international beauty pageants, the world has a computer-generated beauty queen. Virtual influencer Kenza Layli was named the first-ever Miss AI is after beating 1,500 other participants. The fictional character with a golden hijab was created by Myriam Bessa, the founder and head of the Moroccan AI agency Atelier Digital, and won the World Creator Awards on July 8.

Mango leads the way in AI-generated advertising campaign Could real-life models soon be history? Even if this question cannot be answered, what is certain is that artificial intelligence (AI) is also revolutionizing the fashion industry. A look at the Spanish fashion company Mango gives an indication of the future. No real human beings were photographed for the advertising campaign for its Sunset Dream collection.

The clothes are real but the models are AI-generated. This is not the first time the fashion industry has used AI. In early 2023, the jeans icon Levi's hit the headlines with its partnership with Dutch start-up Lalaland.

ai, which creates customized AI-generated models for e-commerce. "The integration of AI in the fashion industry is proving to be a game-changer,” wrote Max Dewod for the US digital marketing agency ReVerb in May 2024. "The integration of A.