Vandals showing no respect for the environment or communities have sparked a furious broadside from frustrated water bosses. Scottish Water has called on the public to be more respectful and responsible when out in the countryside, after a spate of incidents at reservoirs and other sites it operates across Scotland. And it highlighted a number of problem spots in the Highlands.

Issues in the local area have included vandalism of life-saving equipment and the cutting down of fencing at Loch Duntelchaig, and irresponsible campers dumping rubbish and carrying out "acts of vandalism" at Loch Ashie. The incidents came to light after the company took to social media to decry people#'s actions at a particular hot-spot south of Edinburgh at the Gladhouse Reservoir. At that location the big problem was reckless visitors and campers hacking bits off live trees to make campfires, with the firm taking to Twitter to say: "This is having a negative impact on the wildlife, woodland ecology, and beauty of the reservoir.

It is illegal to cut down trees without the landowner's permission." But they confirmed that this location was no isolated incident. Speaking to the Courier, the firm confirmed there were issues in the north too.

A Scottish Water spokesperson said: “Ongoing antisocial behaviour at Gladhouse Reservoir is, regrettably, not an isolated case. “We are aware of several incidents across the Highlands, such as fencing being cut to access the dam and fish pass, as well as vandalis.