Summary Passenger numbers at London City Airport will increase to 9 million annually by 2031. Expansion plans aim to boost economic growth and tourism, utilizing modern, eco-friendly airliners. Reduced curfew hours on Saturday and operational restrictions remain a concern.

Earlier this week, the Newham Council approved London City Airport’s (LCA) bid to increase passenger numbers from 6.5 million to 9 million annually by 2031 . Despite the opportunity for expansion, the new rulings kept the yearly limit of 111,000 flights at LCA.

Modern commercial airliners are cleaner and quieter, so increasing passenger numbers can be achieved without disturbing the local environment or causing environmental degradation. The authorities at LCA are excited to see how expansion plans positively impact economic growth and tourism through the airport. The expansion plan The British government has approved plans to expand capacity at LCA by 2.

5 million passengers. According to the government’s website, "The Secretaries of State agree with the Inspectors' conclusions, and agree with their recommendation. They have decided to grant planning permission, subject to revised conditions that maintain the existing Saturday curfew period.

" One way of executing the expansion plan was to push back the existing 24-hour curfew from Saturday 12:30 PM. The authorities desired to push the restriction to 6:30 PM, allowing afternoon traffic to proceed. However, the rulings in that regard remained unchanged.
