Actress-producer Rebecca Chuaunsu proudly shares her true-to-life story in the film "Her Locket," one of the official entries to this year's Sinag Maynila Film Fest. In an interview held at the Ibis Lifestyle Hotel August 8, Rebecca shared how she originally conceptualized it as a revenge film. "But going through the research, and the materials, and telling the story with Direk J.

E Tiglao, sometimes it's painful," Rebecca said. Working both as producer and lead star of the film, Rebecca admitted she actually doubted her abilities. "Honestly speaking I have doubts, even a day before the shoot," she related.

"Even on the last night, while we were shooting the disco scene, because I had to bring my husband to the hospital, and my son had COVID-19, so my mind was all over the place." Despite the challenges, Rebecca completed the gargantuan task. "Her Locket" follows the story of Jewel Ouyang, the daughter of a wealthy Chinese businessman who suffers dementia and lost everything.

She ended up being cared for by his son, Kyle Nicolas, a lawyer, who later hires Teresa Firmante, a caregiver. One morning, Jewel stumbles upon a locket containing an old photo of herself and her parents. Teresa soon realizes that the locket helps Jewel in slowly recalling her past – her childhood, her mischievous adolescence, her husband, even her dysfunctional relationship with her older brother, Magnus Ouyang.

Jewel believes Magnus forged their deceased father Jasper Ouyang's last will to keep her ou.