DEAR MISS LONELYHEARTS: I’ve had a wonderful summer in Manitoba because I got a seasonal job here relating to my university studies in Ontario. I fell in love with the province, particularly the lakes, and the friendly people I’ve met. Read this article for free: Already have an account? To continue reading, please subscribe: * DEAR MISS LONELYHEARTS: I’ve had a wonderful summer in Manitoba because I got a seasonal job here relating to my university studies in Ontario.

I fell in love with the province, particularly the lakes, and the friendly people I’ve met. Read unlimited articles for free today: Already have an account? Opinion DEAR MISS LONELYHEARTS: I’ve had a wonderful summer in Manitoba because I got a seasonal job here relating to my university studies in Ontario. I fell in love with the province, particularly the lakes, and the friendly people I’ve met.

The problem is, I left my girlfriend at home and she doesn’t want to move here, which I would like her to do. I really don’t want to leave, especially now that I’ve received a great job offer. What if I stay and she finds somebody else back home? She says one summer away from her was long enough.

She’s hinting that if I force her to move to Manitoba she won’t want our relationship to continue. Last night she said that four months of being apart was long enough and she wanted me to come home. She said she won’t wait much longer for me.

If she can say that, does she really even love me? — Dumbf.