It’s a rough day to be Gina Kirschenheiter, as is often the case. T he Real Housewives of Orange County ’s most tragic Housewife got viciously pummeled this week, proving not only that she can be a source of entertainment in the form of a punching bag, but that RHOC can still fire on all cylinders while splitting up the cast. The ladies embarked on two separate trips this week, and it’s actually refreshing.

It’s nice to keep the warring women away from each other for a bit to allow their resentments to simmer. Even split up, the episode is full of good drama. That’s in large part because Gina is fresh out of friends at the moment, having pissed off Heather by not giving her a heads-up about Katie’s attack , while her relationship with Emily gets shakier by the moment.

We open on Emily and Heather shopping, the two discussing Emily’s attacks on Jenn from last week’s dinner . Now, if you’re confused, that’s because we didn’t even see that moment until this week. The dinner was just too packed with drama.

Right before the ladies left, Emily decided to hit Jenn with a reminder to pay her bills and stop wearing a Rolex. Emily has grabbed the baton from Gina and made Jenn’s impoverished lifestyle her issue, living up to that tagline of hers. She’s not wrong necessarily, but her delivery is just so harsh.

Maybe Heather has a point. Should we really bully her for being stupid? Jenn gets one up on the Gina/Emily alliance, at least. On a beach date with Tamra,.