Opinion editor's note: Star Tribune Opinion publishes letters from readers online and in print each day. To contribute, click here . ••• Evan Ramstad exhibits a disturbing confusion between "environment" and "climate" ( "Human progress is not the enemy of the planet," July 7).

Yes, environmental pollution is disruptive to human health, but a changing climate driven by human-caused global warming is pushing the planet to be unlivable, and it's getting worse. Reducing environmental pollution (improving air and water quality) does not, in itself, reduce global warming. Fortunately, switching to carbon-free renewable energy (energy sources that are replenished daily by the sun, like solar, wind and hydro, for example) for our transportation, buildings and industrial needs directly reduces climate pollution and reduces environmental pollution.

Ramstad asserts that Minnesotans "enjoy one of the cleanest environments in the world." But Minnesota is sorely falling short in its effort to remove carbon pollution from electricity production by 2040, as required by Minnesota state law. The good news is that clean electricity will stimulate the economy that Ramstad seems to hold as his top priority.

John Dunlop, St. Paul ••• Ramstad's weekly column in the Sunday business section always interests me. His June 30 column had me thinking about economists' focus on growing our economy ( "Growth is a hot topic for readers" ).

As a retiree who depends on Social Security and investmen.