Staten Island: I am an 80-year-old senior who can’t understand what is happening in today’s government, which gives and takes with the same hand — a government not keeping its eyes on what’s going on, or why more and more of us are going to food sources other than the grocery store. The price of eggs is out of my budget, same with a lot of other products. That’s bad, but it’s just the beginning.

Now we have to apply for new Medicare protection for the new year and find out that each policy we are inquiring about has premiums from $25 to $28 a month — surprise; I never had that before. We are told in the newspapers and in the TV news that seniors are going to get a cost-of-living raise. What good is it if, at the same time, Medicare expenses are also being increased, which comes directly out of my Social Security check? I don’t even see this raise before it’s already been taken.

On top of this, we have to encounter issues with medicine. Some medications are in groups according to what they are and what they cost. It seems that the more you need it, the higher it costs.

Too bad if you’re a diabetic and go to pick up your medication, but it’s not in and you have to wait, which is not a thing you can do. But while you’re having the conversation, another person steps up for a pickup and asks for the same medication (I’ve heard) and was not a diabetic. Not acceptable.

Please, seniors are not wealthy people. Help. Dorothy Doyle Los Angeles: I read with inte.