Since the release of Vijay Varma’s IC 814, the Netflix series has been facing immense backlash for making false claims and misleading remarks. The series narrated the fact that the authorities were informed about a potential hijack and their delayed response led to the incident. The Print, former R&AW Chief AS Dulat and Anand Arni, former special secretary R&AW, spoke about their side of the story.

“We had no warning at all,” said Dulat, categorically denying any such claims made by the makers of the show. “There was no reason for the station head to sit on information like this. This is all just imagination.

” Supporting his claims, Anand delved a bit deeper into the machinations of such intelligence gathering, and said, “There are 100 prompts that come out of our intelligence network, and they might have even said that a certain ISI Station is active. But there were no active and direct warnings of a possible hijack.” A post shared by Netflix India (@netflix_in) Anand tried tracing the origin of this urban legend, and said, “I think there was an article or a book written by someone who used to be with the agency in the 70s.

This person was relieved in the 80s, and he had no access to the documents or even the building. He wasn’t active during the 90s at all. So yeah, we had no information about a potential hijack.

” A post shared by Netflix India (@netflix_in) Another claim that was made in the Netflix show was how the intelligence agency heard the news th.