Experts have issued a warning against carrying out the bizarre trend, as it could have a number of unpleasant impacts on your health. Get the latest top news stories sent straight to your inbox with our daily newsletter We have more newsletters Get the latest top news stories sent straight to your inbox with our daily newsletter We have more newsletters Although going on holiday can be really exciting, what isn't so great are the hours you have to spend on a plane to get there. Normally, you'd entertain yourself with music or a film, or at least have a drink or two to pass the time - or you might be one of those people that just sleeps the journey away.

But the new 'raw-dogging' trend, which involves doing none of this and simply sitting doing nothing for the whole flight, is sweeping social media . Some see it as a challenge to prove how tough you really are, but according to experts, it can actually be pretty dangerous. Sleep expert and CEO of Happy Beds , Rex Isap, has warned travellers against 'raw-dogging' their next flight, as it could take up to five days to recover from just one flight.

Not only that, but the act of 'raw dogging', if you're a frequent traveller, could have a significant negative impact on your long-term health. And one of the most significant issues with ‘raw-dogging’ flights is its impact on your circadian rhythm. This is your body’s 24-hour clock that regulates the sleep-wake cycle.

It’s essential for maintaining your body’s sleep patterns.