An estate has been compared to the zombie series. Residents are fed up with heaps of discarded rubbish which has led to a rat infestation with rodents as big as . The Soho area of Birmingham has become a nightmare for locals who say the shameless fly-tipping and -addled 'zombie' addicts have turned their once-pleasant neighbourhood into an area to avoid at all costs.

Sofas, beds, and even tossed-away toilets now litter the strip of grass on Boulton Road, a sad sight where kids once happily played footie. Homeowners point fingers at a group of former tenants who they claim started the dumping spree around four years ago, which has since spiralled into a regular fly-tipping hotspot. The site has also reportedly become a magnet for prostitutes and drug users who leave behind their own waste, including needles and gas canisters, adding to the squalor.

Local business owner Pete Kumar has watched his beauty salon suffer as customers are driven away by the sight of enormous rats scuttling through the garbage piles. Pete, 50, the proprietor of Riya's Beautonic Lounge, lamented: "Every time we phone the council they refuse to clear it because it's private property. There's no borders on there, it's an open area.

From black bags, to general rubbish, sofas, fridges and car tyres. Big and small fridges, microwaves, we've seen it all." "At the moment we've got two beds, sofas and kids prams.

They all just throw it down." "Because we're in the beauty trade and there's a lot of women who co.