Telugu star Allu Arjun took to his Instagram account to share a beautiful gift sent to him during Diwali by his ‘lucky’ co-star Rashmika Mandanna. Rashmika Mandanna, who plays the character of Srivalli in Pushpa, had previously sent a similar box of delicious goodies to Allu Arjun before the release of their first outing, Pushpa: The Rise. Continuing the tradition of sending Dilwali wishes along with a personalised hand note, the actor has shared something precious to bring luck and positivity to Pushpa! Silver and sweets As shared by Allu Arjun on his Instagram stories, Rashmika Mandanna along with a silver coin and a box of delicious sweets writes, “My mother had said that gifting someone silver brings luck to the person who is receiving them.

(sic).” The actor, who made her acting debut with the Kannada blockbuster, Kirik Party further shares in her handwritten note while wishing Allu Arjun and his family on Diwali, writes. “I hope this small silver and sweets bring you more luck, positivity and love.

Wishing you and your beautiful family, a very happy Diwali.” ALSO READ: Sreeleela Begins Shooting Special Song With Allu Arjun For Pushpa 2: The Rule Need lot of luck..

. Thanking his co-star, Allu Arjun wrote a thank you note, stating that he ‘needs a lot of luck now.’ The much-anticipated sequel of all time, Pushpa: The Rule is set to hit the screens worldwide on December 5.

Directed by Sukumar, the latest buzz from the Pushpa 2 team is the special song being.