RAVE for the U.S. State Department.

I recently applied for a passport renewal online. This new service provides only limited opportunities each day, but I diligently logged on at precisely 10 a.m.

every day. I got in after three or four tries, completed my application, paid the fee and uploaded a passport photo. Less than 10 days later, my new passport arrived in the mail.

Good service by our government should be acknowledged! RANT to those drivers of vehicles that haven’t figured out how to lock their vehicles without the horn sounding! Check your owners manual. And an extra rant to those who hit the lock button three or four times; your lights flashing is all the indicator you need to assure yourself it’s locked! RAVE to the Cougar Mountain hiker who found my wallet and spent $5 to mail it to me. I am so grateful for your thoughtfulness.

Many happy trails to you!.