RAVE to the kind, generous lady behind me in line who paid for my lunch at Subway. Several times the cashier swiped my newly bought $15 Subway gift card; it repeatedly said invalid. I offered to go to my car and get the money to pay, but this “angel” in line said, “I got this, just go enjoy your sandwich.

” Yes, there are angels among us; I look forward to “paying it forward.” RANT to the local news station video crew that films New Year’s Eve and Fourth of July fireworks for television viewing. Please keep the cameras on a wide angle view and leave them there for the show.

We do not want to see silhouettes of the crowd or a single explosion close-up. We want to see the entire area for the full effect. RAVE to our neighbors who helped out when our cat escaped and became feral during our efforts to bring him home.

Special rave to the passing stranger who stepped in and scooped him up when we could not and carried him to our house. RANT to my neighbors for letting your 8-year-old set off fireworks unsupervised. It is against the law and 18 is the age.

Guess the law doesn’t apply or being a good decent neighbor is beyond your comprehension. RAVE to the Edmonds librarian! We left a bookmark that my daughter had made my wife for Mother’s Day many years ago in a book that we returned. The librarian called me to tell me that she found it and that she would hold it for us.

She said that she couldn’t bear to throw it out. RANT to King County Metro bus drivers: Three.