2024 has been a wild ride for horror movie enthusiasts. From mind-bending psychological thrillers to spine-chilling supernatural tales, this year's lineup has delivered its fair share of frights and delights. We've seen horror movies that crawl under your skin, make you question your sanity, or simply offer a good scare while you munch on popcorn.

It's been a year where filmmakers have pushed boundaries, experimented with fresh concepts, and sometimes, well, completely missed the mark. Join us as we take a twisted journey through the most talked-about horror flicks of 2024, where not all screams are created equal. Possibly one of the weakest horror-fantasy movies that has come out in recent times.

The film follows the story of a family that moves into a new home, unaware that a dark secret from the house's past will unleash a malevolent force in the backyard pool. The film is a whole bunch of nothing. The real horror is how hard it is to maintain a swimming pool.

Talk about a let down. This was so hyped up on social media and Sydney Sweeney was praised for her performance, however, while the film is an enjoyable watch it is nothing groundbreaking. It is a mid level thriller with an immaculate ending.

The First Omen is a standard spook-fest fare of a woman who starts to question her own faith when she uncovers a terrifying conspiracy to bring about the birth of evil incarnate in Rome. What the film lacks in terms of execution of the plot, it makes up for in its acting and cine.