At a milestone event celebrating Indian cinema at the Australian Parliament, Bollywood superstar Rani Mukerji unveiled a commemorative stamp in honor of the late legendary filmmaker Yash Chopra. The event, held on August 13, was a prelude to the 15th annual Indian Film Festival of Melbourne. ADVERTISEMENT During her speech, Rani Mukerji spoke about how she is manifesting a huge India-Australia cinematic collaboration - a musical that features her with the Hollywood icon Hugh Jackman! Both are known for their brilliant acting and Hugh is a brilliant artiste who has excelled marvelously in music and dance in films like The Greatest Showman, Les Miserables, etc.

Rani feels Hindi cinema which also celebrates music and dance, would be an amazing fit for her collaboration with Hugh! India and Australia have recently inked a Co-production treaty for films. Rani says, "Just as cricket connects us, I hope the co-production treaty between our countries fosters a similar bond in our films. There is no better time than now to tell our shared stories.

If you love our songs and dances there are so many Australian creative talents who have left a lasting impact on us. We absolutely love Baz Luhrmann and his cinema and his musicals you have Hugh Jackman & Nicole Kidman who we adore in India they have stolen our hearts with their performances and their brilliance in musicals. I am really manifesting a romance between Nicole Kidman and Shah Rukh Khan and of course a Hugh Jackman and Rani Muker.