Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt graced a Mumbai film festival honoring Raj Kapoor's cinematic legacy ahead of his 100th birth anniversary. Their attire paid tribute to the legendary filmmaker, with Ranbir sporting a sophisticated black bandhgala and Alia donning a graceful white saree with floral prints. Their coordinated appearance blended tradition and modernity, a heartfelt homage to Raj Kapoor's contributions.

Ranbir Kapoor , grandson of the late Raj Kapoor , and his wife, actress Alia Bhatt , attended a Mumbai film festival celebrating the legendary filmmaker's enduring impact on cinema, ahead of his 100th birth anniversary on December 14, 2024. The event, marked by a gathering of luminaries, was also a moment for Ranbir and Alia to pay tribute to Raj Kapoor’s cinematic legacy through their sartorial choices. Their outfits not only showcased elegance but also honored Raj Kapoor’s timeless charm.

Ranbir wore a black bandhgala, a traditional Indian garment synonymous with sophistication and regal heritage. Known as the "prince coat," it was a perfect fit for the occasion, reflecting both Raj Kapoor’s legacy and Ranbir's contemporary style. The black colour symbolized power and grace, while the sleek, minimalistic design highlighted the fine craftsmanship.

Ranbir paired the bandhgala with white tailored trousers and understated shoes, completing the look with a moustache that added a touch of effortless elegance. Ranbir Kapoor's Special Gesture For PM Modi: Presents Him .