Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor has candidly shared details about his relationship with his late father, Rishi Kapoor, in a recent interview. The actor, known for his guarded persona, delved deep into the complexities and challenges they faced as father and son. In a conversation with entrepreneur Nikhil Kamath, Ranbir revealed a childhood marked by fear and distance from his father.

Despite hailing from a privileged background, the actor emphasized that he was raised with discipline and groundedness. Ranbir Kapoor says his parents Rishi Kapoor and Neetu Singh’s constant fights traumatized him growing up: “I have never seen the colour of his eyes, I was extremely scared” “I believe my father was a short-tempered man, but he was a good man,” Ranbir said, “He was somebody who loved his family, work, food, and alcohol. He was a very open person.

He could speak up his mind.” The actor shared a memory of his parents' turbulent relationship, often witnessing their arguments from the staircase of their bungalow. “I have never seen the colour of his eyes, I was extremely scared,” he confessed.

The constant tension at home took a toll on the young Ranbir, leaving him feeling responsible and on edge. The actor's portrayal of an obsessive character in his upcoming film, Animal , has drawn parallels to his own relationship with his father. However, Ranbir clarified that while his character was obsessed, he was primarily scared of his father.

He explained, “He never shou.