Ranbir Kapoor will be playing Ram in Nitesh Tiwari 's highly-anticipated Ramayana. Mukesh Chhabra talked about the casting process of the film in a new interview with Ranveer Allahbadia, revealing the casting has been going on for the last two years. While not revealing the name of the actor, Mukesh went on to share that the actor who was finalised for the role of Lakshman has done television shows and is loved by fans.

(Also read: Ranbir Kapoor's Ramayana made on budget of around ₹ 835 crore; film to release in 2027: Report ) What Mukesh Chhabra said During the conversation, Mukesh said, "Nitesh bhai had decided to cast Ranbir very early in the process, and once you watch the film, you’ll see why it’s such apt casting. I think the actors I’ve worked with the most in my career are Ranbir and Rajkummar Rao . Nobody can beat Ranbir when it comes to acting.

.. He’s very neutral about it.

He doesn’t bother too much about hits and flops. All he’s concerned about is acting.” 'We couldn’t have found a better Lakshman' Mukesh also revealed after a lot of time, it was a newcomer who was finalised for the role of Lakshman.

He said, “We’ve found a lovely actor for Lakshman. A lot of people auditioned for the role. But I’m very happy with the actor we’ve gone with, this is going to be his first film in Bollywood.

It was the last role we cast. We’ve chosen a young actor who has worked a lot in television; he’s a lovely guy. We couldn’t have found a better La.