Bollywood actor recently gave an interview to entrepreneur and influencer Nikhil Kamanth. During this time, the actor candidly spoke about several aspects of his life and films. One of the moments that caught everyone's attention was when Nikhil and Ranbir spoke about Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

For those who don't know Nikhil Kamanth has a friendly relationship with PM Modi and has spent time with him at several events. During this interview, Nikhil also recalled a time when the Prime Minister met in Washington DC for an event. The chat between the duo, Ranbir Kapoor and Nikhil Kamanth covered several aspects of each other's lives.

It also reached a point when the two talked about Prime Minister Narendra Modi. For those who don't know, Ranbir was part of the star-studded delegation in 2019 that met Modi and also included , Bhumi Pednekar, Ayushmann Khurrana, and among others. Remembering the same, Ranbir said that he was astonished to see PM Modi having something personal to talk to everyone.

"That time my father was being operated, so he asked how he (Rishi Kapoor) doing, then he asked something else to Alia and Vicky and all the others. Now that is a quality so don't see in everyone. I mean he does not have to do that but he still spoke to all of us and on a personal level.

Just like and all the achievers," said the Animal actor. On the other hand, when Ranbir Kapoor asked Nikhil about PM Modi, the entrepreneur and influencer said that he has been an appreciator of his w.