Casting director Mukesh Chhabra opened up about selecting actors for director Nitesh Tiwari’s upcoming epic Ramayana. The casting director has now landed the film in trouble with his shocking comment as he offered his opinion about Raavan. In a conversation with Ranveer Allahbadia in his podcast, Mukesh Chhabra was asked to describe the character traits that he was focusing on while casting the role of Raavan, and whether ‘evil’ was one of them.

He said, “Yaar woh bhi toh pyaar mein hi they na (He was also in love, wasn’t he)?” Mukesh said, adding, “He wanted revenge, but he was in love as well. As far as I understand Raavan, he was evil and vengeful, but his revenge was driven by love for his sister. He had to do what he had to do for his sister.

Woh bhi apni taraf se theek they (He was right in his own way). In war, both sides believe they’re on the right side. But ultimately, Raavan was driven by love.

” He further added that everybody working on Nitesh Tiwari’s Ramayana is committed to not making any mistakes and said “I’m terrified of speaking about Ramayana, because of how things are in our country these days." Earlier, Saif Ali Khan's statement about presenting 'humane' version of Raavan in Adipurush went viral on social media, and the actor faced backlash for it. He said, "It’s interesting to play a demon king, less strictures in that.

But we will make him humane, up the entertainment quotient, justify his abduction of Sita and the war with Ra.