Renowned filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma has been sentenced to three months in jail by the Andheri Magistrate Court in Mumbai for a cheque bounce case. The case, which began in 2018, was filed by a company named Shree over a dishonored cheque amounting to Rs 2.38 lakh.
The director, absent from the court hearing on Tuesday, now faces a non-bailable warrant for his arrest. Additionally, he has been ordered to pay Rs 3.72 lakh as compensation or face an extended imprisonment of three more months.
Details of Ram Gopal Varma’s Cheque Bounce Case The legal trouble for Ram Gopal Varma stems from a cheque issued by his firm, which was dishonored due to insufficient funds. This incident violated Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, which criminalizes cheque dishonor. While the filmmaker claims the issue relates to an ex-employee, the case has dragged on for seven years, finally concluding with the court’s decision this week.
Ram Gopal Varma’s Statement on the Ruling Following the verdict, Ram Gopal Varma issued a statement addressing the situation. He clarified, “About the news about me and Andheri court, I want to clarify that it has to do with a 7-year-old case of Rs 2 lakh 38 thousand, relating to an ex-employee. It is not about settling the meager amount but about refusing to be exploited in the attempts to fabricate.
Anyway, that’s all I can say for now as it’s in court.” It is not about settling the rupees 2.38 lakh.
The contention was about refusing to be exp.