Fans are excited for the release of Vettaiyan, which brings and Rajinikanth back together on screen after 30 years. During the film's big audio launch in Chennai on Friday, Rajinikanth gave a heartfelt tribute to Amitabh Bachchan. According to a report in India Today, Rajinikanth also opened up about his financial struggles and how he overcame them through his work.

ADVERTISEMENT Rajinikanth opens up on Amitabh Bachcan's financial crisis recalled and stated, “When Amit ji was producing films he broke into a big loss. He was not even able to pay his watchman. His Juhu home came into Public Bidding.

The whole Bollywood was laughing at him...

The world will just wait for your downfall. In three years, he did all the ads, KBC earned all the money and bought back three homes along with the Juhu home on the same street. He is such an inspiration.

He is 82-years-old, and he is working for 10 hours a day.” He added, “Amitabh ji's father is a great writer. He could have done anything for the influence he had.

But without family influence, he came to a career alone...

Once Amitabh ji had a terrible accident. At that time, Indira Gandhi had gone to a conference abroad. When she came to know about the accident, she immediately came to India.

Only then did everyone know that Rajiv Gandhi and Amitabh ji had studied together.” Rajinikanth's Vettiyan release date and more information Superstar Rajinikanth's much-awaited film Vettaiyan, directed by TJ Gnanavel, is set to hit theatres .