In Jodhpur, Rajasthan, chopped body parts of a 50-year-old lady who disappeared two days earlier were discovered in plastic bags. According to authorities, the victim, a beautician, was murdered by a guy she knew, and her body parts were discovered mutilated into six pieces and buried close to the accused's home. Anita Chaudhary, the victim, disappeared on October 28 after closing her beauty salon in the afternoon and failing to come back at night.

Manmohan Chaudhary, her spouse, reported her missing to the Jodhpur police station the following day. It was discovered during the preliminary inquiry that the accused, Ghulamuddin, also known as Gul Mohammad, had a store in the same structure as Anita's beauty salon. They both became acquainted.

Based on the victim's phone call information, police learned about Gul Mohammad. Dilip Singh Rathore, a police station officer in Sardarpura, stated that Anita had driven away from the location before to her disappearance. The driver who transported Anita to Gangana, where the accused resides, was questioned by police.

When the police reached Gangana, they managed to find the home of Gul Mohammad there. His wife was found and she told the police that she had been at her sister's home for the past three days. "When she returned to her home, her husband told her that Anita had been killed and her body was buried behind the house.

Police got a bulldozer and dug up a 12-foot pit during which the torso, hands and legs of the woman's body were f.