Ubisoft has officially revealed our first look at : Operation Twin Shells. This is the third season for the game’s ninth year, and somehow, the team is still finding ways to surprise me as a fan who has been playing since the game’s initial launch. I saw : Operation Twin Shells early, and what I was shown looks like it’ll have a big impact on the game when it arrives on .

New Operator Skopós, hailing from Greece, is a wheelchair user whose mentor and friend you may recognize as a recent villain in the game’s story. She’s transformed her wheelchair into a base of operations through which she controls not one, but two robotic shells that stand in as her presence as an Operator in a match, and the way they work is really going to mix up how you play as an Attacker and Defender. You in the shells Skopós’ shells are named Talos and Colossus, but their names don’t matter as much as how you use them.

Skopós’ gadgets are split between the shells, and you’ll pick which one you load up as at the start of the match. When in control of a shell, that machine becomes the active shell. For all intents and purposes, it’s an Operator like any other, though it only packs one of the gadgets you picked, yet it has an advantage no one else does.

The second shell, the one you’re not controlling, becomes your idle shell. The shell crouches down and deploys a shield in front of it, but it’s not shut down. Instead, you can switch between all available cameras and that id.