The Bharatiya Janata Party’s IT cell head, Amit Malviya, on Monday, shared a video of Congress leader Rahul Gandhi and alleged that he files with Emirates’s first class. Malviya attacked Rahul and said that on camera the Congress leader ‘pretends to be with the downtrodden’, but he travels luxuriously away from the eyes of people. In the video, Rahul can seen at the airport walking towards the Emirates’s first class counter as he keeps talking to someone.

Watch the video here: While in India, Balak Buddhi Rahul Gandhi pretends to be with the downtrodden, often indulging in theatrics with professional artists and passing them off as Loco Pilots, masons, mechanics etc. But off camera, he flies Emirates First Class, the most luxurious and expensive..

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com/IQdkgcIIeX Taking the matter to X, Malviya wrote, “While in India, Balak Buddhi Rahul Gandhi pretends to be with the downtrodden, often indulging in theatrics with professional artists and passing them off as Loco Pilots, masons, mechanics etc. But off camera, he flies Emirates First Class, the most luxurious and expensive experience in air. This duplicity is the bane of India’s socialists, who claim to speak for the poor in public but maintain a lavish life style otherwise.

” Continuing, the IT cell head, further took a potshot on other “socialist leaders’ like Tejashwai Yadav and Akhilesh Yadav and said that they and their families too ‘indulge in boorish display of wealth.’ “For instance,.