The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has put on hold its agreement with France for the purchase of 80 warplanes worth $10 billion, following the detention of Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram , in France, according to a report by the Iranian news agency, Mehr News Portal . Durov, a citizen of France and the UAE, is under investigation for illicit activities on the messaging platform, including drug-trafficking and child pornography distribution. The UAE has a contract with French aerospace company Dassault for the purchase of 80 Rafale fighter jets.

This agreement is now at risk due to Durov’s arrest in France, according to the news portal. It also mentioned the potential halt in military-technical cooperation with France because of Durov’s detainment. The UAE has requested consular access to Durov.

France had anticipated that the Rafale deal would enhance its defence sector. The suspension of the agreement is a setback for French President Emmanuel Macron and has implications for Dassault Aviation, the manufacturer of Rafale jets. The UAE’s decision could also sway other nations contemplating comparable agreements with France, demonstrating the impact of geopolitical occurrences on business deals.

Analysts are closely monitoring for additional updates. Durov Case: Legal Scrutiny and Free Speech Durov’s detention after arriving in Paris on a private jet on Saturday (August 24) has sparked discussions about the legal responsibility of app providers and where the line between free.