Aslam (name changed), a young male presented to the Emergency department of SMHS Hospital with a history of massive vomiting of blood. He was referred to the Radiology department where CT Angiography was performed to know the cause of the bleeding. A ruptured blood vessel supplying the stomach was diagnosed.

The patient was immediately transferred to the DSA lab and the bleeding vessel was successfully blocked by our team of interventional radiologists using metallic coils passed through very fine catheters. The procedure effectively averted a potentially catastrophic outcome. The patient remained stable throughout the procedure and has since made an uneventful recovery.

Ahmad (name changed), an elderly male presented to the Urology department with abnormally raised blood PSA levels, suggesting a prostatic cancer. The patient was referred to the Radiology department where MRI of the prostate was performed which revealed a small suspicious cancerous nodule. As the nodule was not visible on Ultrasonography (USG), 3D fusion navigation USG technique was used to biopsy it.

Biopsy report showed an early prostate cancer. The patient was put on treatment and is doing well. Zahida (name changed), a middle aged female noticed a lump in her breast.

Out of shyness, she did not seek any medical attention. After a few months, she narrated her problem to her elder sister who convinced her to seek medical advice. Mammography (X-ray breast), stereotactic breast biopsy and MRI was performed in.