Radhika Merchant , who tied the knot with the youngest son of India's one of the richest businessman Mukesh Ambani and Nita Ambani, continues to make waves in the fashion world. Currently enjoying her time in Jamnagar with close friends, she has been a source of significant fashion inspiration. Recently, her choice of a stunning high-fashion gown left many in awe, showcasing her elegance and dreamy style.
Anant Ambani's wife and the newest Ambani daughter-in-law, recently celebrated Christmas with her family and friends, wearing a custom gold fringe gown priced at Rs 3,50,000 from designer Rimzim Dadu. The gown featured metallic cords that crafted a flawless silhouette, highlighting the designer's signature style and enhancing her overall appearance. With its sleeveless design and deep neckline, the gown added a glamorous touch, making it a memorable choice for the evening.
Radhika Merchant enhanced her outfit with a fashionable maroon sweater to stay warm during the chilly weather. The rich colour beautifully complemented the golden tones of her gown, creating a cozy yet stylish appearance. To complete her look, she accessorised with diamond earrings, several rings, and her mangalsutra, which she creatively wrapped around her wrist, giving the perfect blend of tradition and modernity.
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Rimzim Dadu (@rimzimdaduofficial) She maintained her signature flawless makeup, opting for a perfect base complemented by soft blush, shimmery eyes,.