Radhika Merchant hosted an extravagant Christmas 2024 celebration with the Ambani family in Jamnagar, attracting a host of celebrities. The star-studded event featured notable attendees such as Janhvi Kapoor, Khushi Kapoor, Ananya Panday, Orry, and Shanaya Kapoor, among others. However, it was the Ambani family's choti bahu who captured everyone's attention with her stunning fashion choices.
She has been turning heads with her stunning outfits, and her recent photo in an adorable pink nightsuit further showcases her ability to pull off even a casual pyjama set with ease. In recently shared photos, Radhika Merchant is seen posing with friends in a fashionable pink nightsuit. Made from soft satin fabric, her nightwear includes a stylish button-down top with long sleeves, complemented by matching long pyjamas.
The cute candy cane print throughout makes it a perfect choice for the Christmas festivities. If Radhika's stunning outfit has caught your interest and you're wondering about the cost, here are the details. Her stylish pyjama set is from the brand Pretty Little Thing and is priced at $65.
00 USD, which is roughly around Rs 5,400. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Bollywood Celebrity Style (@bollywoodwomencloset) The 30-year-old shocases how to elevate nightwear with her stylish accessories, including quirky earrings, a luxurious wristwatch, and a diamond ring. Her makeup features a soft glam look with nude eyeshadow, winged eyeliner, mascara-coated lashes, bold b.