With more than one million new homes slated to be built over the next five years across Australia, an industry expert has warned it could be a “race to the bottom” if tight building controls are not strictly enforced. Ambitious targets set by federal, state and territory governments have promised to deliver a new construction boom amid a dire housing market that has left many families priced out of any future home ownership. Despite bold ambitions, SJA Construction Services founder and court expert Steve Abbott warned that a “forced construction boom” in the residential sector could lead to a wave of building defects in the next 10-20 years.

“Governments are trying to force the industry into a residential boom without the resources – both within the industry and governments – to manage such a workload,” Mr Abbott said of the new building targets. “The construction industry needs a reliable supply of high-quality skills, staffing, a sufficient number of planners and building certifiers, a reliable talent pipeline and building materials. “State governments need better controls in inspections and certifications – and those who carry out this important service must also be highly skilled and deeply experienced.

” Mr Abbott warned that there was a “constant drive to do things cheaper” within the nation’s construction sector that he said was leading to a “race to the bottom” for the industry. “We need to get back to basics and do things right – .