According to latest reports, actor R Madhavan recently added a new property to his real estate portfolio as he acquired a new residence in Mumbai's Bandra Kurla Complex. As per the property registration documents accessed and analyzed by, Madhavan purchased the property for Rs.

17.5 crore. His latest property, ready for immediate occupancy, covers about 389 square meters (4,182 square feet), and comes with two parking spaces.

This property, which is located in Signia Pearl, an upscale residential building offering four and five BHK apartments, features the concept of Venetian Suites, where the interior walls gently disappear to give an extended canvas of interconnecting living areas, residing in an optimized living space. The project offers an array of premium amenities and features catering an affluent lifestyle. It’s designed to provide residents with expansive living spaces, state-of-the-art facilities, and a sophisticated ambiance.

According to Square Yards, the Sale Deed, finalized on 22 July 2024, incurred a stamp duty of Rs. 1.05 crore, and a registration fee of Rs.

30,000. Madhavan’s new apartment is located in the affluent Bandra Kurla Complex area of Mumbai. Bandra Kurla Complex (BKC) is one of Mumbai’s most vibrant and prestigious locales, seamlessly blending commercial dynamism with upscale residential living.

With its blend of high-end amenities, luxury living options, and strategic location, BKC remains a sought-after destination in Mumbai..