Winter is in full swing, and with it comes many runny noses, sore heads and throats, and a plethora of other undesirable symptoms that you’ll want to avoid. Due to the wet and rainy weather keeping us inside, sickness can be passed more easily from person to person, and the cold, dry air can make it harder to fight germs. According to the Department of Health and Aged Care, there have already been 37,700 laboratory-confirmed cases of influenza across Australia so far this year, up 40 per cent over the same period last year.

And according to VirusWAtch (week ending 9th June), there have been 692 hospitalisations due to influenza year to date as of 28 June 2024. To avoid catching any sickness and becoming unwell, and in some cases really unwell requiring emergency care, it’s imperative we protect ourselves and others from getting sick. And there are many simple and easy ways to do so.

Here are our six tips for preventing sickness—basic ideas that, in the hustle of life, we often forget are incredibly important. Wash. Your.

Hands. The – dare I say – most important words used in 2020, which are still just as relevant today. Make sure to soap up before eating, after using the restroom and after coughing or sneezing.

This will prevent the spread of germs. It’s handy to also carry an alcohol-based hand sanitiser with you and use it often (you can buy small tubes from most pharmacies or supermarkets). Remember to also cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough.