1 The first Tsar and Grand Prince of all Russia for 37 years from 1547, Ivan Vasilyevich was born on this date in 1530. He was responsible for the transformation of Russia from a medieval state to a giant empire.He was given the nickname Grozny (‘inspires fear’), but anti-Russian propaganda anglicised the nickname to portray him as an evil sadistic ruler.

By what name is he known in English history? 2 On this date in 1609, this iconic person demonstrated the first version of his telescope to Venetian lawmakers showing a magnification of 8x or 9x. He sold them to merchants and sea traders, and only in November turned it on the moon. Who was this person who even makes an appearance in a song by Queen? 3 The New York Sun started a series of six articles, which followed the work of explorer John Herschel on August 25, 1835.

He was the one who originated the Julian day system, and his father discovered Uranus. The articles declared that he had discovered life and civilisation away from Earth. Later, they admitted that it was an elaborate hoax.

Where did The Sun say Herschel found life? 4 Hans Adolf Krebs, a German biochemist who won the Nobel Prize for discovering the citric acid cycle, was born on this day in 1900. An important metabolic sequence affecting carbohydrates, proteins and fats. What does this cycle produce for the body? 5 Born this date in 1930, this Scottish gentleman first came to prominence for bodybuilding and taking part in the Mr.

Universe competition. Think.